Brandalism Shells it like it is

Climate activists take over 200 Shell billboards:


See also:…

Shell’s executives and shareholders will gather for its AGM in London next Tuesday 21 May 2024.


I made this poster as part of a Brandalism campaign, featuring 8 other artists, which has taken over 200 billboards, bus stops and London Underground tube carriages, to highlight Shell's PR and advertising strategies, which attempt to create warm brand associations amongst climate-conscious youth audiences whilst at the same time accelerating fossil fuel production.

Shell is advertising to kids, cosying up to politicians, paying influencers and co-opting the emotional connections we have with sports to launder their public image.

But behind its billion-dollar marketing efforts the company is back pedalling on its own green pledges, profiting from our soaring energy bills and facing legal challenges across the globe for violating human rights.

There will be a protest and actions taking place around the Shell AGM. Fossil Free London and others are meeting at 8am outside the InterContiental Hotel London, O2, 1 Waterview Dr, London SE10 0TW.


The Hell Bus will also be coming out of hibernation soon and back on the road (see below for details!). Unfortunately for me that also means its insurance is up for renewal soon which cost £4000 last year! If you're able to chip in at all towards the ongoing running costs of the Hell Bus I really appreciate any and all support!