Oil painting protest over BP sponsorship in Tate Modern Turbine Hall, 14.10.10

Another Victim of the Gulf Oil Spill: The British Arts?

In the early evening of Tuesday September 14th 2010, a group of artist/activists staged another art-intervention in the Tate Modern turbine hall, with a choreographed sequential squeezing of BP-logo-ed tubes of paint containing 'an oil-like substance'. You can see a 3 minute video clip of the performance here:

Canadian tar sands activists & Climate Campers target BP Portrait Award, 1.9.09

Photo by Mike Wells; more photos:
This was a really powerful, spirited, soulful, celebratory and angrday. Last year we wrote to NPG boss Sandy Nairne about BP and tasands, and received no response. This time we came in our hundreds, leby our excellent Canadian friends, leaving the NPG, Canadian Embassand BP itself in no doubt that we will not allow a narcotising drip ogreenwash divert us from our commitment to make sure the tar sandremain undrilled...